Paul O'Brian writes about Watchmen, trivia, albums, interactive fiction, and more.


Buffy: Once More, With Feeling

Loved it loved it LOVED IT! That one joins the Hall Of Fame. It ended too soon.

The soundtrack is now on my Amazon wish list.


Ghost Rider


Spider-Man 3


  1. I know!

    Oh, how I love it. And I will send you a copy of the soundtrack. I had to restrain myself until now. You know how I feel about musicals in general, but this is so wonderful, and as a bonus, there is a REASON that they are singing and dancing. Pretty darn well, too, on the whole. My favorites vary from day to day. Among them are “I’ll Never Tell” and “Standing in the Way.” I have watched and listened to this so many times that I can practically recite the whole thing by myself. And it’s hard to hear, but one of my very favorite moments is when Giles, Xander and Anya are walking down the street and Giles says he was able to examine the body while the police were taking witness arias. Ha!

  2. Hear, hear.

    I recently picked up the soundtrack myself.

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