The Buffyverse Watching Project is going on hold for a while.
My sister’s boyfriend is a comedy writer (sequitur coming soon…), or at least he’s been an aspiring comedy writer. He graduated from Harvard and worked on the Lampoon there, so he knows a lot of people in the biz, but has been trying unsuccessfully to break in himself for a couple of years. Then, last month, he learned he’d gotten a job as a writer for The Office!
This is super exciting, not only because I’m very happy he’s landed a job, but because it seems to be one of the best things on TV right now. I haven’t been watching it, but (and here comes that sequitur I promised) I’m going to start this fall, so my summer project is to get caught up on the seasons I missed. I have several friends who watch it, and I’m looking forward to being able to participate in their conversations.
My friend Mohammed has seasons 1 and 2 on DVD, so I will try to join you in your catching up.
Awesome! I’ve just watched the first couple so far. It is very dark, very different from other TV comedies, and very funny. I find it heartening that something like this could be successful.