Paul O'Brian writes about Watchmen, trivia, albums, interactive fiction, and more.


Buffy/Angel hiatus

The Buffyverse Watching Project is going on hold for a while.

My sister’s boyfriend is a comedy writer (sequitur coming soon…), or at least he’s been an aspiring comedy writer. He graduated from Harvard and worked on the Lampoon there, so he knows a lot of people in the biz, but has been trying unsuccessfully to break in himself for a couple of years. Then, last month, he learned he’d gotten a job as a writer for The Office!

This is super exciting, not only because I’m very happy he’s landed a job, but because it seems to be one of the best things on TV right now. I haven’t been watching it, but (and here comes that sequitur I promised) I’m going to start this fall, so my summer project is to get caught up on the seasons I missed. I have several friends who watch it, and I’m looking forward to being able to participate in their conversations.


Angel Season 3


Operating Instructions


  1. My friend Mohammed has seasons 1 and 2 on DVD, so I will try to join you in your catching up.

    • Awesome! I’ve just watched the first couple so far. It is very dark, very different from other TV comedies, and very funny. I find it heartening that something like this could be successful.

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