Paul O'Brian writes about Watchmen, trivia, albums, interactive fiction, and more.


Tag: movies Page 4 of 5

Iron Man

I’ve never been a fan of Robert Downey, Jr. Not because of all his personal struggles (though his judgement has certainly been less than impressive many times), but because I felt like he was a one-note actor who could only play smarmy jerks. Also, Iron Man himself has always been a character I could take or leave. I never had much against him, but never sought out his adventures either. Consequently, I wondered if seeing Iron Man would be an unpleasant repeat of the Ghost Rider experience — an actor who annoys me playing a superhero I don’t care about.

Well Robert, all is forgiven. You were fantastic. And Shellhead, you’re more interesting to me than you’ve ever been, thanks to this movie, a note-perfect film distillation of Iron Man comics. The movie does an absolutely stellar job of making Iron Man an emblematic hero for our current historical moment, and makes Stan Lee’s concepts seem smarter and more prescient than they ever were (not that they were dumb!)

Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer

I wasn’t a fan of the first Fantastic Four movie, so I went into this one with trepidation. I suppose a more rational person just wouldn’t go at all, but I am not that person. I’m a big fan of the FF, and the last movie did provide some things I liked, so I’m not going to just stay home. I went hoping to find some enjoyable moments, and I did. I found some enjoyable moments, surrounded by a sea of suck.

Spider-Man 3

Here’s the thing about Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man movies: they never let me down. Yes, there are always a few pieces I would have done differently if it were up to me. (HA! Yeah, easy to say.) Yes, they pick, choose, and rearrange bits of the mythos, and they leave out some important character pieces (like Spidey being funny). However, I think it would be a huge mistake to try to be stickler-faithful to the comics, and the translations that these movies do are full of great choices.

Mainly, what they do is choose excellent actors, give the characters emotional depth, and allow them to move through arcs that aren’t just about who punches the hardest, but who can summon the most inner strength, and what it costs to do so. By focusing on emotion, they faithfully render the spirit of the best Spider-Man comics. I hoped that Spider-Man 3 would continue this trend. It didn’t let me down.

*** From here, it gets spoilery. ***

Ghost Rider

I have never been much of a fan of Nicolas Cage, nor of Ghost Rider. The former always struck me as immensely overrated — capable of only a tiny range of emotions, generally unappealing in what he could convey, and ridiculous even when he means to be serious. As for the Ghost Rider, he’s from that period in the 1970s when Marvel was cranking out superheroes who started not as character concepts but rather as attempts to cash in on the popular trends of the day. I can almost hear the pitches for these guys. “Let’s have a kung fu superhero!” (Iron Fist.) “How about a blaxploitation superhero, like Shaft but with superpowers?” (Luke Cage, Power Man, from whom Nicolas took his last name.) “Hey, maybe a superhero who’s powered by disco music! She could roller-skate around and her superpower could be creating a big light show!” (The Disco Dazzler, and no I’m not kidding.) Then there’s Ghost Rider: “We should have an occult-type superhero who rides a badass motorcycle! His alter ego could do big jumps like Evel Knievel!”

So a Ghost Rider movie with Nicolas Cage in the title role was not exactly calculated to please me, but I went ahead and bought a ticket anyway, because I’m interested in superhero movies. Also, while I don’t care for Cage, I like several of the other principals — Peter Fonda, Wes Bentley, Sam Elliott — and I’ve got nothing against Eva Mendes. Besides, sometimes the low expectation theory works out really well. However, that was not the case with Ghost Rider. People, this movie was so dumb. It was so, so, so, so dumb.

It could be fun to underline all the reasons why I felt this way, but who has that kind of time? Instead, let me just give you a few of my favorites:

  • The Caretaker (Elliott), who lives in a graveyard and is the Basil Exposition of the movie, tells Johnny Blaze (Cage) all about how Johnny has become the Devil’s bounty hunter, he has to hunt the Devil’s son Blackheart (Bentley), etc., and says to Johnny, “You’d better stick around here. They can’t come on hallowed ground.” Five minutes later, we see Blackheart hanging out in a BIG ASS CHURCH.
  • When Blaze first becomes Ghost Rider, he leaves a massive trail of destruction, and when he comes back to himself, he sees that the scene is crawling with tons of cops, rescue workers, repair crews, and reporters. One of these reporters is his love interest, Roxanne Simpson (Mendes). They proceed from the scene of destruction up to his apartment, where he explains to her that he suffered this transformation. She says that he’s making up ridiculous stories. He FAILS TO MENTION that his story is the explanation for the otherwise inexplicable damage scene outside, and that the woman Simpson just interviewed gave the exact description of his transformed self.
  • The CGI Ghost Rider is given to making the corniest action-hero remarks this side of a Simpsons episode. Example: grabbing an earth elemental demon and saying “Hey, dirtbag!”
  • Blaze reads an occult book that says something like, “The possessing demon may be controlled by harnessing the fire element within man.” So then he sets down the book, looks at his hand, and says, “I am speaking to the fire element within me. Give me control of the possessing spirit!” At which point his hand catches on fire and he lights some candles on his wall. Self-control in one easy lesson! This guy could write the shortest diet book ever.
  • Before the climactic scene, the Caretaker transforms into Old West Ghost Rider guy and goes on a long dramatic ride with Motorcycle Ghost Rider, only to stop short of the destination and… give him a shotgun. First of all, couldn’t you have just given him the shotgun in the graveyard? Was there any point to the long ride, besides the cool visual? Secondly, a SHOTGUN? This is a really effective weapon against Supernatural Uber-Demon Blackheart? Actually, yes, it turns out to be. Amazing how the cops riddle Ghost Rider with like 8,000 rounds that have absolutely no effect, but damned if some shotgun rounds don’t cause Blackheart a serious problem.
  • One more. When telling GR’s origin story, the movie can’t quite bear to have Blaze actually decide to make the Faustian bargain to save his dad. Instead, he accidentally cuts his finger on the contract frame, and when a drop of blood falls on the contract, the devil says, “Oh, that’ll do just fine.” So basically, Blaze spends the whole movie from that point forward angsting and atoning for GETTING A PAPER CUT. This is weak, gutless storytelling, and it makes Blaze ludicrous rather than tragic.

What was good? Well, one thing Ghost Rider has going for him is a cool character design, and the movie does a creditable job of bringing this design to the screen. Peter Fonda is brilliantly cast as the devil, bringing both cycle-movie cred and genuine acting ability to his scenery-chewing role. Wes Bentley also does a fine job in his role — I always thought he had the perfect look for a really creepy villain. Finally, there are a number of funny moments, some of them even intentional.

Overall, though, man what a stinker. All the pieces clicked into place when I saw that the film was both written and directed by Mark Steven Johnson, the guy who inflicted the Daredevil movie on us. Please, somebody stop this guy before he directs another Marvel film!

The Queen

I don’t have the time or inclination right now to do a full review of this movie, but I will say two things:

1) I highly recommend it, even if you’re not particularly interested in the British monarchy or in Princess Diana and her death. I’m not very into those things, but I found the film very compelling nevertheless.

2) If Helen Mirren doesn’t get nominated for a Best Actress Oscar, I shall be shocked and scandalized.


I utterly adored this film, for so many reasons.

Superman Returns

Expectations really do lie beneath both pleasure and disappointment. A few weeks ago, I saw X-Men 3, worried that because Bryan Singer was no longer directing, it might suck. Partly because of that worry, I ended up having a pretty good time. This weekend I saw Superman Returns, the project for which Singer left X3, and was very excited to watch his take on the Man Of Steel. Perhaps for that reason (among others), I found Superman Returns a little disappointing.

X-Men: The Last Stand

I had a few trepidations going into this movie. I loved the first two X-Men movies, especially X2, but the director of those two movies (Bryan Singer) was gone, replaced (after some turmoil and a late resignation) by the guy who did Rush Hour (Brett Ratner). Also, I’m told Halle Berry was granted more creative control, which I think we can all agree is not a good thing. So sure, I was excited to see the mutant world brought to life on screen again, but I was a little worried that this one might really suck.

Maybe that’s what helped me enjoy it so much.

United 93

V For Vendetta

V For Vendetta is the best ever film adaptation of an Alan Moore work, though I concede that this is a dismally easy target to hit. Actually, I shouldn’t be so quick with the categorical statements, because I never saw From Hell. Still, even if it was three times as good as Swamp Thing, or especially the utterly wretched League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, I think I’m on safe ground. I read the graphic novel several years ago, and I’m not terribly gifted with a strong memory for things I’ve read, so I went into the movie with only faint remaining impressions of the plot and characters. I think this circumstance served me well — looking back at the book, I’m reminded that it’s much tougher and edgier than the movie, though I suppose the movie is fairly edgy for a mainstream studio picture. Also, the movie is a radical rearrangement of the book, with characters altered, subplots added and removed. I didn’t remember this when I watched the film — I just recalled pieces of the book as they cropped up in the movie’s plot. I’m glad the graphic novel wasn’t fresh in my mind, because my sketchy memory allowed me to enjoy the movie on its own terms.

There’s lots to enjoy, too. The visuals are as arresting as you might predict from a Wachowski-influenced production, and all the principal actors are excellent. Hugo Weaving is certainly the most technically impressive for delivering an emotional performance with his face entirely obscured throughout the whole movie, but Natalie Portman really sells Evey’s emerging core of strength, and Stephen Rea’s lived-in decency felt spot on for the movie’s version of Finch. Most importantly, though the film smooths out many of the book’s edges and drains some of its ambiguities, delineating heroes and villians much more sharply than Moore does, I think it largely keeps true to the tone of the original comic. In particular, the fact that the film retains V’s elaborate deception and torture of Evey, along with the Valerie story, means to me that the core of the original story is intact. Moreover, some of the changes that the film does make are excellent choices — for instance, trading out the Voice of Fate for an O’Reillyish talk-show demagogue gave the story a fine modern-media sheen. Also, changing “purity” to “unity” in Moore’s dystopian motto (“Strength through purity, purity through faith”) provided a nice echo to the “United We Stand” stickers that are on every third vehicle out here.

In fact, the movie demonstrates a deep consciousness of 9/11 and its implications, which the book obviously couldn’t have, published as it was in the late Eighties. Most blatantly, the screenplay injects a conspiracy-story wherein the British government leapfrogged to tyranny by causing a horrific outbreak of disease and blaming the casualties on terrorists. Riding the resultant wave of fear, and conveniently having in hand the plague’s cure, the film’s main villain acquires both absolute power and immense wealth. The new subplot dovetails ingeniously into the story, as the disease is a direct result of the experiments that created V himself. The message is quite clear that massive catastrophes are terribly fertile ground for exploitation by those who seek to gain power through manipulation of fear, so much so that if such people were extremely unscrupulous, they might seek to cause the catastrophe themselves. In the case of the movie’s plot, the outbreak itself was accidental (though it was the result of horrifically abusive government experimentation on marginalized people such as gays and lesbians), but its exploitation was quite calculated. The parallels to 9/11 and its aftershocks suggest themselves rather insistently. Now, I should make clear that I do not believe the September 11th attacks were instigated by the U.S. government. However, it’s hard to avoid the fact that those attacks were just about the best thing to ever happen to George W. Bush, and that the Republican party in general has gained enormous traction by exploiting the fears those events revealed. V For Vendetta is largely about fear and its relationship to freedom; that analysis is more timely than ever. Despite its dilution for consumption by the masses, its message remains potent and welcome.

One thing did bother me, though, which is that the movie seems far too in love with its own violence. Again, this is a Wachowski trait — the third act of The Matrix is basically straight-up gun porn, in my opinion. I was okay with the big explosions of empty buildings in V For Vendetta, but I could really have done without V’s final stand. In this scene, V suddenly reveals himself as a badass knife fighter, and the points of his whirling blades leave sparkling traces in the air as they arc magnificently towards people’s heads. Blood geysers into the air, lovingly photographed in slow motion as victim after victim falls to a gruesome end. It is repellent, but the film tries very hard to make us feel like it’s cool. I suppose that there’s an argument to be made that the reason this fight scene is so gory is to remind us of the ugly visceral results of the violence that V advocates, but I don’t think so. The knife-trails are too reverent, the close-ups too breathless. No, the film has just fallen into the deep rut of Hollywood-actionese as V wades through minion after minion to get to the level boss, whom he strangles cathartically. After all the time the movie spends making him a complex character, one in love with art and culture, it reduces him to just another action figure superhero at its end.

By the way, the book’s version of that last stand? Finch shoots V four times, and V throws one knife back, hitting his target in the shoulder. Then V bleeds to death as he walks home.

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