I never saw the original King Kong, nor the 1976 remake, so all I knew of the big monkey was from parodies and film clips. Still, I liked Peter Jackson’s work on Lord Of The Rings, and I’m a fan of the principal actors involved in his version of King Kong, so I thought I’d give it a try.
Tag: movies
First, understand this: I love the Fantastic Four. I love superhero comics, and the FF is my overall favorite superhero team. Aside from being a tremendous innovation in the history of costumed crimefighters, they’re also just good characters, each with intriguing nuances that have been well-developed over the years. Tons of great stories have been told about them, stories that are lodged deep in my psyche. There was no way I was going to miss a Fantastic Four movie. I even arranged it special with Laura to do the baby care and everything so that I could see it on opening day. Nevertheless, I approached the movie with dread.
See, I love superhero movies, but there are some I approach with eagerness, and some I approach with dread. The ones with well-established, highly-regarded directors and actors, I’m eager for, and the ones with no-name directors and B-list/TV actors, I dread. Bryan Singer, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen? Eagerness. Mark Steven Johnson, Ben Affleck, Jennifer Garner? Dread. Sam Raimi, Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst? Eagerness. Tim Story, Jessica Alba, Michael Chiklis? Dread. I mean really, whose dumb idea was it to entrust my beloved FF to the guy who brought us TAXI and BARBERSHOP? My presentiments are almost always right, too. The ones I can’t wait for turn out to be great, and the ones I dread turn out to suck. Sadly, that was once again the case here.
So I’m thinking I’ll start using this LJ account to occasionally post my thoughts on some of the stuff I’m reading and seeing — not full-fledged reviews or anything, but just a way of both prompting me to do a little thinking about the art I’m consuming and also helping me codify those thoughts. I saw Elektra last night, so now seems like a fine time to start.